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Tonight, under the moonlight, My heart will take a flight, To yours that is out of sight, To fill its darkness with your light. Like the flowers in full bloom, You take away all the gloom, The stars remind me of your smile, Which brightens up everything even from a...


I remember not too long ago that I said to myself that if anyone I loved dearly (romantically) left me then I’d be okay with it, move on and find a new one as if nothing happened. I didn’t understand why people waste their time on their partners when they...


Sleep, in my opinion, is actually one of the most important things in life, like food. It is easy to get yet I’m too distracted with all these material things that I neglect it when it is free and easy to get. I build myself problems by actually not doing...


One of the most unimportant things (for me, at the time, at least) I tend not to do in my daily life was taking a bath. I find it as tiresome – especially if the water is cold, I also found it unnecessary. I only took baths if I smelled so bad I couldn’t...


Things get a lot better when you detach yourself from worldly things. You feel better and worry less. Which is a really good...

Virtual Dilemma

Well, I spent over a couple hundred thousand bucks on this particular online game over the span of 3 years and they couldn’t get to fulfill a simple request from me because of “security” reasons. Wow, just wow! Lesson learned. I won’t be...